The Twisted World of Progressives

I don’t know why we’re surprised when liberals blame shootings on the guns. Liberals have been shifting the blame for decades, but in recent years it has really gotten a bit excessive. They blame the War of Northern Aggression on the South, even though they backed the South into a financial corner. They blame the South for slavery, even though Africans were selling each other to Arab slavers who then resold them to the British who resold them to the Northern importers and sailing companies. They have blamed poverty on the Republicans for years. They also blame Republicans for the KKK (Democrat instituted and ran), the break up of the family (Communist Manifesto, Democrat social programs), economic collapses (Democrat laws, Democrat ordered over regulation, Democrat social welfare programs) and segregation (Democrat’s Jim Crow Laws). They blame Bush 43 for everything Obama does. They blame terrorism on the Republicans even though terrorism seems to have been prevalent throughout history and is a major part of the Communist Manifesto, all of the writings of Marx and Engels, Nietzsche all the founders of the Democrat’s Political Platform. Bernie Sanders is the first honest politician. He is a socialist and he proclaims it. He can get away with it because of the erosion of the American educational system and the socialist’s planned destruction of America. Democrats chose every bad idea and hero. They praise mass murder Che Guevara. They despise capitalism yet forget that Marx said a socialist regime can not survive without capitalism. The Democrats twist history, twist words and want a twisted world.

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2 Responses to The Twisted World of Progressives

  1. Jaywalker says:

    Whooooaa, buddy. There’s so much wrong with this I’m not even sure where to begin… historical inaccuracies galore and false equivalence runs rampant throughout.

    Google “The Southern Strategy” and “Dixiecrats.” You’ll discover that the Republican and Democratic parties played a game of musical chairs. The KKK Democrats are not the same as the modern Democratic party just as the Republicans are no longer the party of Lincoln. These platforms simply are no where near the same.

    And linking communism directly to all Democrats and progressives? That’s quite bold, and intellectually dishonest.

  2. ghostranger says:

    Dixiecrats: Democrats who split from the Democrat Party, espoused a segregationist platform and then rejoined the Democrat Party. Democrats have via social programs enslaved minorities into dependence on the government. Following the tenets of Engels and Marx Democrats to this day still deny the existence of God, denigrate family, want to control people from birth to death. Dishonesty is ignoring the facts. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 could not have passed with the Republicans. If you aren’t familiar with the Communist’s 45 Steps to Take over American then you should compare them to the Democrat platform. By the way I am not now a member of any party but there was a time I was a Democrat, and a State Executive Board Member.

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