Hypocrisy of the Left

More gun control, that seems to be progressive’s mantra for resolving everything.

Progressives appear to be hypocritical idiots, but there is method to their madness. They scream for more gun control to allegedly prevent killing innocents yet they espouse unlimited abortion. The unborn fetus has no gun so it is fine to kill them, if a citizen had no gun then progressives probably would have no problem killing anyone they felt was not necessary, the aged, the weak, the severely injured, anyone who couldn’t fight back. Throughout history progressives, socialists and communists have removed guns from the equation in order to “build” a better world by killing those who object to tyranny. Obama has surrounded himself with academics who are devotees of “population control”; Kathleen Sebelius, Cass Sunstein, John Holdren, Donald Berwick and others. Population control and gun control are key elements of the UN Agenda 21. Obamacare is rationed healthcare designed for controling the population. The FDA has been active in promoting drugs that they can control (and take away). It is said that any government large enough to give you everything is large enough to also take anything away from you including your life. John Kerry illegally signed the Agenda 21 Agreement.
It’s time to deconstruct this federal government and return to Constitutional government. This election it is up to the people, freedom and growth or tyranny and regression. America, Love it or Leave it!

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