Politics Today: The Antithesis of Freedom

Politics is the science of good sense, applied to public affairs, and, as those are forever changing, what is wisdom to-day would be folly and perhaps, ruin to-morrow. Politics is not a science so properly as a business. It cannot have fixed principles, from which a wise man would never swerve, unless the inconstancy of men’s view of interest and the capriciousness of the tempers could be fixed. [Fisher Ames (1758-1808)]

Disclaimer: I am not a member of any political party. In the past I was a Democrat State Officer. For years, by law, I had to be apolitical, but it allowed me to see behind the curtain of both major political parties.

People choose party affiliation for many reasons and often don’t understand what they are doing. There is nothing in the Constitution about political parties. Political parties were originally like-minded people joining together for a single purpose. Today it seems they ban together to suppress the other party.
What are the differences between the Democrats and the Republicans?
Both want a better world. Many Democrats think it is up to a government to provide that world, many Republicans think that only God can improve the world and that He uses people to accomplish His goals.
I’m sure most people realize that everything has an antithesis. Government isn’t the antithesis of God, the Devil is. But the Devil like politicians fights behind closed doors, in the shadows and via proxies.
Socialists revere Karl Marx, yet they conveniently overlooked in his writings is that socialism cannot exist without capitalism and capitalism cannot exist without socialism. Yet each schism wants to destroy the other.
Democrats have been trying for years to erase God from society and government, yet the American system is based on the inclusion of God not the exclusion. It is freedom of religion not freedom from religion. The Founding Fathers realized that religions are man-made but spirituality and belief in God is an individual right that government should not have any control over, yet the demon-crats twist this into a myriad of false narratives. Atheism, Satanism and now Islam, are given preference treatment by the government over Christianity and Judaism. Rather than a live and let live policy, Democrats want to punish. They push hedonism, and perversion. Rather than love the sinner but not the sin, they chose to embrace the sin and force it on others and relish in the destruction of Christian beliefs. How this makes the world a better place escapes me. It appears that Democrats think in order to make a better world everyone must think alike, everyone must be equal, that everyone’s hour of labor is worth the same even if that hour is spent sleeping. Imagine a monochrome world of clones, that would be a democrat utopia.
We can either let a bureaucracy control every facet of our lives, or we can be individuals working as group or alone to improve the world around us.  Democrats are in lockstep. They are the sheep using Judas goats to lead the sheep to slaughter. The democrat elite want population control and control of the plantation. They have enslaved the people via regulation, education, welfare and other programs of social engineering. Republicans are disjointed and often single issue voters, hoping just to change one thing at a time to make this a better world via individualism. I want a better world, but I am not willing to give up my inalienable rights.
To summarize everyone wants a better world; the argument is how to achieve it. The choice is simple, slavery to a corrupt government or individual freedom via Constitutional government.

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