A Democratic Republic or a Theocracy

Let me make it very clear. I wouldn’t vote for for Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar, or Ted Cruz. It is against my principals to support frauds. They say history repeats itself and no where in history has a theocracy worked. Prophets do not rule, they advise, because historically religious rulers soon stray from guidance and become despots. 
My interpretation of the Constitution and of the term “natural born” combined with the facts as of now still unknown because of obfuscation and failure to publicly disclose appropriate records make me convinced that Rafael Cruz Jr. is not eligible to be President or Vice President and possibly not even Senator.
I watch the psyop games of the RNC and the DNC. I read posts demonstrating to me that the voting public regardless of party is blind and totally unaware that their vote is manipulated and that once again we will get stuck with the lesser of two evils and continue on the road to oblivion, rapidily under Clinton or slower under the RNC choice. We are given better choices but they are rejected because of tunnel vision and one issue voters.
I realize that my words will fall upon deaf ears (or eyes) for many people’s egos will not let them admit their mistakes. I have lived the majority of my life already; I strive to learn every day; but my learning, my insight, my experience goes to waste. I won’t say I told you so, I just want you to remember my words when you realize your mistakes and do your best to guide new generations back toward the Constitution and attempts to actually make America great again.

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1 Response to A Democratic Republic or a Theocracy

  1. Jaywalker says:

    Although the DNC vs. RNC “choices” are poor and a lesser of two evils, there are still other choices for President. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve heard whine about “the lesser of two evils” and with 60% disproved ratings for both – – it is clear that the vast majority of Americans are not happy with the two choices.

    But there are more choices than just those two. Yet no one wants to “waste” their votes on third party picks and so we continue this default defunct 2 party system.

    Will we ever wake up??

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